Getting The Best Out of HR Consultants

DEEPA SACHDEV an alumni of NIFT, AMM is the charismatic chief of Human Capital, a recruitment agency working exclusively for the apparel and retail sector in India and abroad. Having high profile clients like Gap, Federated, TCNS, Li & Fung, Arvind, Busana – Jakarta, Atraco-Dubai, Lifestyle –Dubai, pantaloons, Raymonds, Benetton, ITC etc.. Deepa Sachdev alongside a simple guide to help you get most out of your recruiter.

Today an exporter has a wide choice consultants to choose from. The key objective of using the consultant route is to reduce time and resource spent on identification and selection of the right candidates. While most would blame the recruiter for not doing enough screening, the solution lies in high value addition by the recruiter and the company.

How to get the most out of your recruiter


Appoint Carefully:

Most companies will appoint any recruiter as it is a ‘no initial investment’ proposition. But do keep in mind that senior managers will be investing time in it.


Technical Evaluation of Candidates:


Evaluate the recruiter because he will be evaluating the candidates. All position today require technical expertise. A good recruiter uses forms to examine candidates for technical positions like Production Managers, Industrial Engineers, Fabric Managers, Merchandisers, Retail Merchandisers Evaluate these forms. Offer customization for your organisation. Insist on the filled forms along with resume submission.


Qualitative Assessment:


Every organisation has a culture to preserve and promote. Insist the candidate is evaluated on certain critical personal parameters like personality and impact, team play, aggression ( if required), motivation. Insist that the same is offered to you with the resume.


Keep Your Options Open But Do Not Mix Them:


An organization does not use more than 2-3 recruiters at a time. This number is sufficient to take care of the entire pool of candidates without leading to duplication.


Reference Checks:


Insist on reference from past employers with resume. Conduct these yourself or with the recruiter before making an offer.


Contractual Agreement:


It is useful to enter into a contact for services. The contact should cover the flowing:

(a) Fees – components included / not included:

(b) Replacement guarantee clause ;

(c) Confidentiality of internal information;

(d) No headhunting from company clause.


Fix Targets:


Just like all employees have targets and key result areas (KRAs), fix targets for your recruiter e.g the position has to be filled in two weeks or for every five candidate profiles submitted one should be selected.

Provide the following information to the recruiter so he can work in an accurate manner.


About the organisation:
Do brief the agency on organisation growth and prospects product and services, location etc. Give him first hand information


The organization chart positions wise will show how functions are divided and what is expected from which position.


Compensation heads and benefits




Introduce him to same key managers to understand the organisation better like age bias, gender bias,  personality requirements.



Visit your Recruiter:


While companiers visit all vendors, they never visit the recruiter’s office. This is a big mistake despite everyone recognising the importance of manpower and it’s selection. One look at the office will tell you if it is in line with your expectation and requirements.


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